I never have a 'plan' when it comes to spinning. I just grab whatever fiber is at the top of my Stash Bin and start spinning. Most of the time I don't even have enough fiber to actually make anything other than a hat or mittens. Both of which get very little wear here in Upstate South Carolina. So these yarns are relegated to my Hand spun Bin and only come out to be admired. This time when the Tour de Fleece Part 2 starts in August, I have a plan. This is a 30 Breed Sampler from Wool Gatherings . I've never even heard of most of these breeds of sheep. I have my favorites I like to spin; Polwarth, Merino and Bluefaced Leicester (My very favorite is Alpaca but that's another post.) and I have a tendency to buy those fibers almost exclusively. So when I saw this 30 Breed Sampler I decided I would try them to expand my knowledge and branch out a bit. There is a program called Shave 'em to Save 'em (SE2SE) that I've been h...