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Showing posts from January, 2019

Desperate times....

Well it's a new year and I have officially hit 200 lbs.  This was NOT a goal.  The scale hasn't gone down in years. Almost 15 years.  Since my mid-40's the pounds have crept on and all the 'little things' I've done haven't helped one bit.  Desperate times call for desperate measures. Walking.  Must walk 2 miles everyday.  Every. Day.  (Except in the rain) Wine......WHINE!!!!!! ....I'm going to have to give that up.  I'll start with a month and see if it makes a difference.  I know it will.  I do enjoy a nice BIG glass (or two) of Cabernet in the evening. I'm going to go have a Pity Party and then go for a walk.  SOB!!!!!!!!

2018 in Review Part 2

I took some classes locally in various media. Batik Silk Scarf painting with  Libby at  Walhalla Artworks This is not an art for perfectionists.   Lucky for me I'm not one :D Tried my hand at quilting a table runner. Learned I don't like quilting :D Took a Needle Felting Techniques class  with Irene Heckel  at the Wool Room in Henderson, NC Learned that needle felting is addictive! Took two more classes :D   Irene recommended using real pumpkin stems for  a more realistic look. Winter Gnomes are so fun! Got this idea from Pinterest. Troll Ornaments Watched some YouTube videos on fabric painting. And messed around with acrylics on canvas too. These paintings were inspired by others I found on Pinterest.

2018 in Review

There was Knitting.... and all the yarn used was from STASH!  I've put myself on a Yarn Diet these last couple years.  At the rate I knit my yarn stash is considered S.A.B.L.E “SABLE- A common knitting acronym that stands for Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy.” Atlantic Cowl by Antonia Shankland in Classic Elite Yarns Majestic Tweed - Gifted This yarn was purchased in 2015 Denver Cowl by Veronica Parsons Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted - Donated to Charity Yikes, purchased in 2009! About time it found it's project :)  I often bought yarn without a project in mind.  Not the best idea really.  But these yarns have told me eventually "I want to be a scarf/hat etc." Cloud of Softness neckgater by Marji LaFreniere Bijou Basin Ranch , Bijou Bliss - Gifted Yarn purchased in 2015 Great yarn!  I'll be buying more from them. Oops!  Awe, forget the Yarn Diet! Dangling Conversation by Mindy Ross Wolle's...