Day Two - I reached into my 30 Breed Sampler from Wool Gatherings and came up with Cheviot. " The Cheviot is a breed of white-faced sheep which gets its name from a range of hills in north Northumberland and the Scottish Borders." Wikipedia Google Image Fine Fleeces Cheviots produce generous fleeces of white wool which is preferred by mills because its fineness, crimp, and length of staple give it superior spinning and combing qualities, and its low grease content causes less shrinkage in scouring. The fleece is usually grades 1/4 to 3/8 blood combing and is usually from four to five inches in length. Rams will normally shear 9 to 13 lbs., and the ewe will produce fleeces of 8 to 10 lbs. This fiber felt like silk compared to yesterdays Devon but it is a medium-coarse wool suitable for outerwear, rugs and blankets. The Cheviot has more 'grip' (crimp?) and was easier to control the draft and twist. Sample on far left is unwashed Again, the From the Fold method l...