With Hurricane Florence just off the Coast and due to make land fall tomorrow, we getting our ducks in a row. Last year this time Irma made a direct hit on Florida and then plowed right up through Georgia into South Carolina. We had winds strong enough to break a dock line
Incorrect Position |
Correct Location |
Florence is going to be a bigger bitch than Irma was. She has forced mandatory evacuations along the entire coast of South Carolina and parts of North Carolina. People are taking heed. In the 12 years we have lived in the Upstate I don't ever remember them reversing the traffic lanes on the highways so people can flee the Coast. Nor do I remember so many people actually fleeing the coast.
Photo from TheState.com |
We are 350 miles inland and will most likely get a ton of rain (I really need to get a rain gauge) and some serious winds. Rain soaked soil plus high winds plus Loblolly Pines equals almost certain power outages. The Loblolly Pines are everywhere here. They are are very tall and thin with all their foliage at the top. The wind will snap these trees in half, literally. Or just uproot them altogether.
Our experiences tell us our biggest concern is loss of power/refrigeration. So today I'm going wash out the big ice chest and brave the grocery stores and gas stations see if I can find bagged ice.
Storm Panic Video
Edited to add: Storm Mania has not yet reached the Grocery store. Lots of bread, milk, eggs etc AND ice. Yea! We are all set.
Keep safe.