After fits sand starts (and issues again with the tree lights) the wreath is on the door, the tree and mantle are decorated. I managed to get all my packages mailed last week. But I'm still waiting for my ELPH to complete the Christmas letter so I can get those mailed.
The last few days temperatures hoovered in the mid 30's. Here in upstate South Carolina, that's cold. I mean I've had to put on long pants and SOCKS! We even got snow.
And you know what that means....

I don't know what it is about the roads here. This past Friday it took my husband 2.5 hours to drive 50 miles in just an inch or two of snow. I grew up in Chicago and lived in the Colorado mountains. I've driven in 8 inches of snow through white-out conditions and never once managed to put my car in a ditch. At any rate, I'm grateful he arrived safely.
Anyway, snow & cold mean lots of fireside knitting and marathon movie watching. I've started the Miya shawl 3 times and can't get the hang of the pattern. It's still in time out. I've started and frogged a very simple cowl at least 3 times. If I could just read the directions (correctly!) before I start I'm sure things would go smoother.
This coming week should be about 10 degrees warmer but windy so it won't feel warmer. Walking the dog is going to be fun. Better find my ear muffs.
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