Crochet is always faster than knitting for me. I guess 40 years of experience will do that for you ;-0
Feather and Fan Baby Blanket by Alexis Middleton

So quick and easy I made two! Again I used acrylic for wash-ability. Above is Red Heart Unforgettable in Dragonfly colorway, below is same yarn in Echo colorway. This is a free pattern as well.

And because I'm fancy and all, I purchased these lovely labels from Dutch Label Shop.
Now I just need to box these gifts up and start on my next project.
The Miya Shawl.

I purchased this pattern and some amazing Cashmere from Bijou Basin at SAFF two years ago. (It's about time I started knitting down my stash!) This pattern will require the use of my 'Knitting' Flag, LOL! That's a story for another post:D
Ta-ta for now!
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