Knitting Report
Patterns I added:

Ocean Cable Knit Blanket - because one should always have a baby blanket ready to give.
Lost in Time and

Naturally Southern Shawl - I'll be teaching a Crochet class this fall

Ethereal Shawl - I need a quick & easy shawl
Silverwing - Saw this one and had to have it.
Yarn purchased
I try, try, try not to purchase yarn without a plan.
Schoppel-Wolle Zauberball in Frische Fische colorway for the Lost in Time pattern
Manos del Uruguay Fino in Mother of Pearl for Silverwing Shawl
Classic Elite Yarns Silky Alpaca Lace in black for the Ethereal Shawl.
Black goes with everything :)
Projects worked on:
I was asked to teach a Crochet Class this fall and wanted something the beginners could make that wasn't a blanket or washcloth. I started and completed the Naturally Southern Shawl (photo & link above) in early July as a sample for the class. It's made with a discontinued cotton yarn from Aslan Trends. I've had this in my stash since 2008! The colorway is Glaciar del Cielo.
Amanda's One Skein Infinity Scarf is another pattern I chose to make a sample for the Crochet Class. It's made with Miss Babs Yummy 3-ply in Dove colorway. I started and completed this project in late June.
I've started the Ocean Cable blanket in May. I'm using a mint green cotton yarn from Plymouth Yarn Bella Colour. It's been shelved until I can get Lost in Time done for the Intermediate Class.
Knitting plans for next week:
Continue on with Lost in Time. I'm loving how it's coming along. I can't take it to Sit & Stitch because I can't listen to all the juicy conversations and keep track of what I'm doing :)
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