Before the whole world stopped due to COVID-19, friends were telling us about an ocean cruise they were planning to take starting in Bergen Norway and ending in Montreal Canada. They said "Y'all should join us." ELPH and I looked at each other and said "WTH?" So we contacted their travel agent and told her to duplicate their trip. And so it began.. On a long flight (more than 3 hours) I can become...grumpy in the cramped coach seating. Knowing this my ELPH (Ever Loving Patient Husband) booked Business Class seats to keep me from not killing anyone :D Other benefits are free drinks, hot food and real silverware. But seeing as it was a 10pm flight out of Atlanta, I was ready for sleep as soon as we took off. Upon awakening we were given this concoction. I'm an adventurous person when it comes to food & beverage so, after the initial swig of Cucumber, Spinach & Banana juice, I contemplated the complexities and nuisances; r...
Knitting. So much yarn, so little time. I have a significant S.A.B.L.E...Stash Available Beyond Life Expectancy. It's a real struggle to divide my time between my hobbies: Reading, Knitting, Beading, Painting. Then there are the mundane chores like cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes. Sigh. I'm not a compulsive 'starter'. I only have one major project and one TV/Social Knitting project (wash cloth, garter stitch blanket/scarf etc.) on the needles at any given time. A great deal of my SABLE was purchased with no project in mind at all. But sometimes I buy for a specific purpose. I took a Fiber Road Trip in April 2019 to attend a spinning class given by Kate Larson at The Fiber Event at the Putnam County Fairgrounds, Greencastle, IN. Kate was so informative and patient with the small class. We weren't overwhelmed with statistics or extraneous details. I learned a lot. While I was the...