Before the whole world stopped due to COVID-19, friends were telling us about an ocean cruise they were planning to take starting in Bergen Norway and ending in Montreal Canada. They said "Y'all should join us." ELPH and I looked at each other and said "WTH?" So we contacted their travel agent and told her to duplicate their trip. And so it began.. On a long flight (more than 3 hours) I can become...grumpy in the cramped coach seating. Knowing this my ELPH (Ever Loving Patient Husband) booked Business Class seats to keep me from not killing anyone :D Other benefits are free drinks, hot food and real silverware. But seeing as it was a 10pm flight out of Atlanta, I was ready for sleep as soon as we took off. Upon awakening we were given this concoction. I'm an adventurous person when it comes to food & beverage so, after the initial swig of Cucumber, Spinach & Banana juice, I contemplated the complexities and nuisances; r...